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Burners For A Greener Future

Nu-way are able to design and manufacture burners that are capable of firing a wide range of renewable fuels including Biogas and Biofuels. These burners can be offered as single dual or multi fuel operation combined with associated controls to maximise the operation and efficiency.

Bio Fuel

Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called “biofuels,” these fuels can be used for heating and also as a substitute for the transportation sector. The two most common types of biofuels in use today are ethanol and biodiesel, both of which represent the first generation of Biomass-based biodiesel fuels.


RME or Rapeseed Oil Methyl Esters or FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) is the most common biofuel in Europe. Currently, FAME is added to regular diesel fuels in the amount of up to 10 %. RME burners have been available for a number of years to meet this growth potential.


Hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO) is another emerging biodiesel fuel which again can also be used in transportation as well as heating. This fuel is ideally placed to become a renewable alternative to traditional kerosene and diesel.


When you mix methane, CO2 and small quantities of other gases usually from anaerobic digestion of organic origin in an oxygen-free environment the final product is referred to as a biogas. The exact composition of biogas depends on the type of mix which are used in biogas plants all over the world but they all use the following main technologies.


The future for hydrogen remains unclear due to the high cost of production, however, as industry explores ways of producing the fuel in a cleaner and more efficient way its use in the  future will be key to meeting environmental targets. The obvious benefit of hydrogen is that when burnt it produces none of the harmful emissions associated with more traditional fuel types.

Contact Our Burner Sales Team

With over 90 years of experience in the field of burner design and operation our expert team will be able to assist you in selecting the most appropriate renewable burner solution to safely operate your chosen fuel type.

Contact our burner sales team for more information.

+44(0) 1905 794331

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